
UHD to HD Live Crop Solution

Model: HDC4300 or F55LIVE

Brand: Sony


Utilizing 2/3” Sony HDC4300 or Super35mm sensor Sony F55LIVE UHD cameras, AMV can create two simultaneous High Definition fields-of-view, live. These HD fields-of-view can be displayed on a control room’s monitor wall, integrated into a production switcher and/or iso recorded.

The first field-of-view (the entire wide raster of the UHD sensor) outputted as High Definition is composed based on the focal length setting on the camera’s lens. The second field-of-view is a “HD cut-out” within the raster of the original UHD frame. This second field-of-view can be pan / tilted / zoomed from a joystick located most anywhere, including in the truck or the venue.

Three (or more) operator work-flows are possible: (a) you could have the UHD camera locked off on a wide frame and only have one camera operator controlling the cut-out via a joystick. (b) you could have a camera operator physically at the UHD camera controlling the wide frame and in addition have a second camera operator controlling the cut-out via a joystick. Or (c) you could have a single camera operator physically at the UHD camera framing primarily for the “tight-follow” HD cut-out with the full raster wider frame “loose-follow” field-of-view landing wherever it may based on the tight-follow shot.

Whether attempting to achieve more fields-of-view from fewer physical camera positions, or whether attempting to social distance cast and crew on set, live-crop technology may be a solution warranting consideration.


Tom D’Angelo (NY)
Kimberly Scholter (CA)